masala packaging design company

Branding, Packaging Design


Madhyam OrganicBranding, Packaging DesignMadhyam Organic is a new brand in organic food and products Industry. They deliver organic foods and products to customers Pan India. Their expertise in organic farming has helped them become the expert in their field. This establishment’s focus on customer satisfaction has helped it amass a large base of customers that continues to grow every day.The …

Packaging Design


Purest YouPackaging DesignPurest You is the singapore’s leading provider of natural, honest and pure ayurvedic supplements that help you live your best life, free of additives and synthetics. Purity is of the utmost importance for their ayurvedic supplements. For that reason, they choose to use plant-based ingredients sourced from organic and ethical farms as many of the herbal ingredients as …

healdi-wealdi-juice packaging

Branding, Packaging Design


Healdi WealdiBranding, Packaging DesignCare for your health, care for India. That’s the motto of Healdi Wealdi, a Gurgaon based company that provides the best of quality organic products. They manufacture products using high quality ingredients sourced from best parts of India. From health juices to dietary pills to organic spices, they produce everyday consumables that promotes a healthier life. They …

Branding, Packaging Design


Yellow CloudBranding, Packaging Design”Sunday ho ya Monday, Roz khao ande”. This is the first thing comes to our mind when we think about eggs. Idea was to create a brand that sounds Urban and promotes healthy well-being by their products which are mainly free range eggs. A free range egg is an egg produced by a chicken that has access …


Brand Identity, Packaging Design


KokoroBrand Identity, Packaging DesignKokoro is an organic brand doing production of edible cold pressed oils, trading of spices, masalas and other organic food products like honey, groundnut bars, healthy alternatives to sugar. All the raw material is sourced directly from farmers in South India. Oil production is done in their plant located in South India. They will introduce new products …


Branding, Packaging Design


Botanic RainBranding, Packaging DesignA new entry into the beauty industry, Botanic Rain is producing some of the newest products on the market. While most beauty products simply focus on skin care, Botanic Rain is taking a different approach by including the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine. Ayurvedic medicine teaches that fresh and pure ingredients provide the best approach to good health …